Here are the tech tools they used and recommend. How many of them do you use?
Popplet Plickers PebbleGo Prezi TradingCards
KidBlog Venn Diagram AirPlay YouTube ReadWriteThink
YouTube Educreations Inspiration ebrainstorm Google Speech
Storybird PiktoChart Kahoot TeacherTube StoryboardThat
ShowMe Google Docs SeeSaw email TouchCast
PuppetEdu Storyjumper jump codes Aurasma ChatterPix
Google Earth PowerPoint Apple TV Elmo Kahoot
Wonders Stopwatch Calculator QR Codes CNN St News
PebbleGo Dragon Dictation Haiku Deck Socrative GglSafeSearch
Socrative Symbaloo Khan Academy Little Writer GoNoodle
Quizlet ClassroomClipart Classroom Dojo ClassManager EPIC!
These preservice teachers noted how much they learned this semester about integrating technology in teaching. Here are a few comments that reflect those stated by many:
"I believe it is important for students to know how to use technology because it enables different ways of thinking and learning. For example, it allows for different types of media. For some students, they have complex and detailed ideas in their head, but struggle to find the right words to explain them. Technology allows for incorporation of pictures, video clips, and voice memos. It provides alternative ways of expression and understanding." Julianne,Grade 1
"It is important for teachers to experiment with the technology before introducing it to the students. My CT and I made a demonstration video, and had it not been for this, I would have struggled implementing it for the students. Additionally, we must be flexible when using technology because there is always the possibility for glitches or problems with it. I also learned that you have to take risks with technology; it may not always work out, but the possible benefits technology has to offer is worth the risk. It engages students and creates excitement about learning. I have found that when technology is utilized efficiently, it is a powerful tool that enables rich learning to occur." Julianne, Grade 1
"Students surprise me with how much they know and can do
with technology. They love when I bring my iPad or computer out and love using
it. This lesson empowered students because it showed them a different way to
take notes. We didn’t have to write our notes down but I wanted to, in order to
save time for when they recorded their voices. That way they already knew what
they were going to say." Morgan, Grade 4
class was really helpful to me as a future educator...I used technology to record student’s
work or learning and also used it to help them research topics and during math.
My favorite way that I was able to incorporate technology was during shared
reading. Although it took a lot longer to prepare than other lessons, I was able to use the Show Me app to take pictures
of the story we were reading and write down the questions from that page and
project it for them to see. This helped keep the students on the right page and
it gave them the opportunity to see what questions they should be thinking
about before I asked the questions, this way everyone was prepared and given
the opportunity to answer a question if I called on them. The most important
thing that I learned from this course was not to underestimate what students at
a young age are capable of doing. I was very hesitant to get students who are 6
and 7 years old the opportunity to have their own laptop or hold my iPad but
they definitely knew a lot more than I thought." Jade, Grade 1
These preservice teachers and their cooperating teachers took risks together and their students benefited. All learned from each other! I can hardly wait to see how these teachers will integrate technology across the curriculum next year, and how you will use it with your students!
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